Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thunderbird hunts Orca and the Art Walk

It is finished and I think I like the painted version. I liked  plain wood as well. I started painting it during the Shady Cove Art Walk a few weekends ago, and finished it tonight.  (If you want a wall panel without paint, just look a couple posts down. It will look about like that.) I had a nice old couple insist I should not paint it, and more importantly the Hawaiian Ice guy, but it just was not designed to be plain wood; so in this case I decided to go with my original idea. Of course, had they offered to buy it I would have sold it unpainted.

I have some Port Orford Cedar left, I am thinking of making a long story panel, or a three parter. Maybe morning, noon and evening suns or something-- done in just lightly stained wood.

The show was a blast, but it was too hot! 103 on Saturday and 99 on Sunday. No way I am going to do that again- the wood just can't take it. Too bad :(   On another positive note, it was our 17th anniversary. We had a lot of fun hanging out  in our 1960 Shasta trailer, selling art by the river. I sure do like my wife.

I may do the Sisters Harvest Faire in October- it sounds like a lot of fun. I dig these outdoor festivals.

More photos coming soon!

Many of you have asked for more photos to be available online- both new stuff and old stuff- I am going to attempt to set up a scrolling account through Flickr or DeviantArt. We shall see how it goes...

I finished painting the Thunderbird wall panel. I will add it to the feed if I can figure it out.

EDIT: I have managed to get Flickr working. Most of the slideshow is grabbed out of facebook so not much new. Tonight I will go crazy, including pictures of the wall panel. I need to experiement with the copper dagger as far as photos go, the ones I have taken so far do not look good at all.