For Hamatsa many beaked raven:
1. sand and surface- 4 hours
2. pin and install rope pulls for all moving beaks- 4 hours
3. paint- 4 hours
4. Hair and cedar bark- 2 hours
14 hours minimum!
For Dragonfly sun:
1. cut out and install 12 to 16 pieces of abalone shell- 4 hours
2. finish carving main head- 2 hours
3. finish carving backboard- 4 hours
4. sand and surface- 2 hours
5. paint- 3 hours
15 hours minimum! GAAHH!
Bad cellphone pic of offending party in process:

For copper dagger:
1. cut out and install 3 abalone inlays- 2 hours
2. finish carving head- 4 hours
3. surface and finish head- 2 hours
4. assemble blade, head, handle- 2 hours
11 hours!
Turtle bowl: I am going to work on and finish this piece at the show, so all I need to do is get it prepped.
1. shape bowl- 1 hr
2. fit pins for tail and head- 2 hrs
3 hrs.
grand total work time: 43 hours.
I will be lucky to finish. I need to sleep and work full time in there somewhere.
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