This is the finished product, finally. It took me a while to finish because a) I got busy working on other things due to the fact that b) I spilled the off white paint I mixed to just the right tone, and I was worried I wouldn't be able to match the whites if there wasn't enough to finish left in the bottom of the jar. Finally I gave up the avoidance technique, and tried to salvage the approximately two tablespoons of paint that was left. I added a little water and hoped the thin paint would cover adequately. For once I was lucky. It would have added hours of time to have to repaint all of the white to match tones. Because this mask does not include salmon with abalone eyes around the rim, I decided to do a little more elaborate painting on the frog. I think it would have been to busy and cluttered had I done that on "Mark I."

On to the wall panel. Typically when I have done wall panels in teh past, I have attempted to tell a story. In this one, not so much. It just struck me one day that it was quite interesting that a Thunderbird likes to snack on Killer Whales the way they like to snack on seals. I am really liking this one. I am not sure if I am going to paint it yet or leave it natural wood. I think I will just live with it for a few more days before I decide.

I finished the copper dagger. My opinion of it is "meh." I started the turtle bowl too. I will post pics next time.
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